The 5 Best Tips for a Cozy In-Home Photo Session | Ohio Family Photographer

1.Clean & Tidy it Up

The best thing you can do for yourself (& your photographer) is to make sure the rooms that you will be using are clean and tidy. From dust, to clean sheets, to small toys on the floor. Store away the eye sores and only keep out what you will be happy with in a photograph. I personally put away all my kid’s bright colored toy boxes, wagons, dinosaurs, etc.. Sometimes it is cute to keep out a toy for the kids that can be photographed, otherwise, put it away and clean it up. When picking the rooms you want to use during your session, keep in mind the rooms that have the best light! I usually recommend the family room, bedroom, and kitchen are always great ones. Sun rooms are my top pick if you have one of those as well!

Cozy In-Home Photo Session in Youngstown Ohio

This photo was taken on my way out the door as mama was rocking sweet baby to sleep. I couldn’t help but capture it through the cracks.

2.It’s Another Day

This is not a normal, posed, family photo session. This is a lifestyle session where you want to be captured in the comfortable and familiar space of your home. You want to look back on these photos and remember the spaces, and the faces that lived there. For in-home sessions I will always tell you to get comfortable and act like it’s an ordinary day of being home and spending time with your family. Don’t worry, I will slightly prompt you on a position or location, but then I’ll stay quiet and just capture the authentic interaction between each other. It never disappoints!

3.Choose Your Wardrobe | Comfortable and YOU

I will send out a style guide that gives more in depth tips on clothing for the entire family, but ultimately, you want to choose what represents you and your space best (after all, these pictures will probably be on your wall). Choose outfits that are comfortable, that you wouldn’t mind putting knees up on the couch in, or laying on your belly looking at your baby. Maybe that’s sweatpants and a bun, or maybe that’s a dress, or jeans and a vintage tee. Consider neutrals as they normally compliment home decor and transfer well from room to room! Ask for my style guide if I haven’t already sent it over to you!

Top 5 Tips For A Cozy In Home Photo Session

4.Let the Kids Lead the Way

Allowing the children to be their true selves is so important for a fun and successful in-home session. Let the kids run over to you on the couch, play with their toy on the floor, or pull a book off of their bookshelf. It’s very common for kids to act timid at first when I arrive, after all, I am technically a stranger in their home to them! If you ask anyone who knows me, they’d probably say I can quickly act like a kid myself so it normally doesn't take long for them to warm up. Sometimes I have to shut my camera off for a second to show an interest in their toy, or sometimes I’ll teach them how to take a picture on my camera to show them I’m there to have fun. In the end, I promise that your photos will be so much better and show your true selves when everyone in the home can be exactly who they are. This also helps take the pressure and expectations off yourself and your children.

5.Think of Activities

I put this one last because it is not a necessity but when you have activities planned that your family enjoys doing together, it can bring out authenticity and comfort in everyone. Raw emotions start to fly when games are involved. Whether your toddler likes to help you with dishes, bake cookies, or play the matching game, these activities will help them and you to interact authentically.

If you want a cozy in-home photo session, reach out here!