Welcome to the KMP Education Page!

If you’re a Family or Motherhood photographer looking to enhance your client experience and starting getting paid on a high end scale for your work, you’ve come to the right place. My hope with this education sector is to empower photographers to understand the price their work is worth and to create an experience for their clients that will keep them coming back for more. Let’s dive in, shall we?



Get My Cost-Of-Doing-Business Template for Only $9.97!

I know this will be a game changer for your business, and if you’re just starting out in your business, or you’ve been in business but don’t know the WHY behind your pricing, you need this easy-to-use template. Pre-formulated, all you have to do is punch in the numbers.

The Ultimate Guide for Beginner Photographers


So you want to know all the important topics when starting or growing your photography business?!

You came to the right place! This guide is a montage of everything I have learned over the past 8 years (some I had to learn through trial and error).

I want to save you from making the same mistakes I did, and set you up for success from the beginning.

This Guide is for you if you:

  • Don't have a Client Management software, but want one to house all documents for each client

  • Don't have contracts your confident in, or contracts at all

  • Need help with the necessary gear to get when you first start

  • Need help knowing when and how to start an LLC or a Business Bank Account

  • Want to know what subscriptions & softwares you need, and how much they cost

  • Need support in creating your pricing and packages

  • Want my Cost-Of-Doing-Business Template (this is included with this guide as a BONUS!)

  • Want to make sure you are taking care of taxes correctly (It's not as icky as it sounds)

KMP Mentorship

KMP Mentorship

This 1-hour call will dive deep into the current processees of your business, and give you actionable steps you can start to implement asap to start making more money doing what you love.